Competitive Upgrade Special Offer - Save over 40%!
We realize you may have invested a significant amount of time and money in Dyno Software from other Companies. If you like our products and would like to make the transition, we offer a excellent competitive upgrade package.
To qualify, please email the information below to We will mail you a $40 rebate check on your new purchase of Virtual Engine Dyno Pro (allow two to three weeks for processing and delivery).
These offers are also retro-active. If you have already made a purchase, please let us know and we can get your rebate underway!
Existing Customer Loyalty Offer
We appreciate our Existing Customers Loyalty. Users with Registrations over 1 year old are eligible for a $50 Rebate when Purchasing a copy of Virtual Engine Dyno Professional!
Remember, if your Registration is less than 1 year old, you are eligible to Download the Latest Copy of Virtual Engine Dyno Free (see the support link on our web page for details on how to request download)
To qualify, please email the information below to We will mail you a $50 rebate check on your new purchase of Virtual Engine Dyno Pro (allow two to three weeks for processing and delivery).
These offers are also retro-active. If you have already made a purchase, please let us know and we can get your rebate underway!
Thank you!
Challenger Engine Software, LLC